Term and Conditions

This section involves the details that constitute to the visitors agreement to follow and abide by the terms of use and other relevant policies of Oujeer Traders.

We at Oujeer Traders reserve the rights to update and modify these policies and terms of use any time.

Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer

All the website content, design, illustrations, images, logos and clips etc. are cognitively property owned and licensed by oujeer.ae. The website is also protected by copyright laws and use of any data, image or content is strictly prohibited.

Visitors are not allowed to sell, reproduce, publish, modify, upload, display or distribute any of the content present at oujeer.ae in whole or in part whether for personal use or for financial gain.

Website Content

The team Oujeer Traders reserve the right to create, update or modify any information on the website related to content, description, product images or prices without prior notice. This includes modification of content after the order has been placed; however if buyers are not satisfied with the products or services, they are liable to return the items as per Returns & Exchange policy.


When an order is placed following steps are taken by oujeer.ae

Personal information of customer is stored for order processing.

The financial details of customer are being checked by our merchant provider (We DO NOT process financial transactions at our website and we do not store Debit/Credit card details).

Item is being manufactured.

Item is shipped in time.

We reserve the rights not to process any order for any reason whatsoever including, but not limited to, website maintenance, material non-availability, payment processing problems, description error or in rare cases obnoxious customer behavior or suspicious transaction.


We have offered 3 major currencies at our website for users’ convenience. These are USD (American Dollar – $), GBP (British Pounds – £) and Euro – €.

Native customers are opt to pay in these currencies, however if you wish to get charged in your local currency other than these three, you can choose any of them (USD preferred) to pay and your card provider will charge you in your domestic currency as per Forex Rate.

Our prices are subject to be changed without any prior notice and we reserve the rights to include any discounts or end a promotional offer any time.


Prices at oujeer.ae are excluding import duties and any Taxes. They are buyer’s responsibility. Please refer to Shipping & Delivery section for details.


oujeer.ae may link to other websites not owned by us. Therefore we cannot take responsibility for their content, nor should it be implied that those websites are endorsed by us.


“We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED (or any other agreed currency)”.


All the comments, ratings/reviews or suggestions left on the website or sent to us by the visitors are offered in accordance with the use of the website thus shall be the property of oujeer.ae and can be used by us or our affiliates in anyway and we shall under no obligation, be liable to pay for any such information or to respond.

By sending us that content the visitor warrant that:

They are above 13 years of age.

Their post is accurate and their own property.

Use of the content they supply does not violate our terms and conditions and will not cause harm to any person or entity.

They agree that no Comments presented by them to our website will breach any right of any third party, including trademark, copyright, privacy or other personal or proprietary right(s).

They agree that no Comments submitted by them on our website will be unlawful, abusive or obscene in nature.

They shall remain solely responsible for the content left by them.


If you violate these conditions and we do not take any action against you, we are still entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you violate these conditions.


The Terms & Conditions and all our policies and procedures will be governed by and interpreted in accordance to the United Arab Emirates law and the relevant courts will have exclusive jurisdiction. These conditions are fully in line with the United Kingdom and United States laws. However, in an unlikely event of a dispute between the buyer and oujeer.ae, and if the matter cannot be solved mutually, then the parties agree that either party may refer any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, these Terms & Conditions, including any question regarding its validity or termination, to be finally settled by binding mediation.

In case of any query regarding our Terms & Conditions, please contact us at info@oujeer.ae


  • Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with oujeer.ae shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.
  • United Arab of Emirates is our country of domicile.
  • Minors under the age of 18 shall are prohibited to register as a User of this oujeer.ae website and are not allowed to transact or use this website.
  • If you make a payment for our products or services on oujeer.ae the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection.
  • The cardholder must keep a copy of transaction records, Merchant policies and rules.